Accredited ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System since 2003. This award certifies that we have established and apply a Quality Management System for:

(i) the provision of our contract cleaning and housekeeping services, and

(ii) in the provision of our total stewarding and facility solutions.

This award recognises that we have fulfilled the requirements to attain the BizSAFE STAR, which is the highest award under the BizSAFE programme, and is a testament for our commitment to safety and excellence in WSH management systems.

We were awarded the BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management accreditation to certify that we have established the stated standard of occupation safety and health management system.

We are approved by BCA with Grade L5 to provide more comprehensive Housekeeping, Cleansing, Desilting & Conservancy Services.